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Stress at work: how to recognize and manage it.

17 Feb 2022 | Mental health & prevention of RPS

In Switzerland, almost half (49%) of people under stress say they are emotionally exhausted at work. And the consequences are often dramatic for the physical and mental health of those who suffer. But what are the symptoms and causes that should alert us? How do you manage this stress?

Stress at work: symptoms that should alert you.

What is stress?

Stress is a set of physical and physiological reactions of the body to a particular situation, which is said to be stressful, and/or to stress factors. It is defined by the body’s reactions, both emotional and physical.

Above all, it’s a normal reaction to adapt to a situation. Some people need situations of urgency and complexity to work effectively. However, we are not all equal when it comes to stress, and a situation that is normal for one person may provoke a more violent reaction in another.

Balance returns when stress is interrupted, but if it continues, it becomes chronic stress. It alters the nervous and hormonal balance, and reduces concentration and productivity. This becomes a real danger, with physical and/or psychological repercussions.

Its various symptoms

Whether work-related or not, stress has an impact on our bodies. Here are the most common physical signs:

  • Digestive disorders: stomach ache, nausea ;
  • Joint pain and muscle tension;
  • Unusual sweats;
  • Intense fatigue;
  • Headaches;
  • Sleep problems: insomnia, waking up at night ;

As we saw earlier, stress not only affects the physical sphere, but can also extend to psychological and behavioral symptoms.

  • Emotionally, a person under stress at work may find themselves nervous, anxious, irritable or prone to crying fits.
  • Behavioral problems such as isolation or changes in eating habits may result.
  • Mentally, the signs may include a constant state of alertness and anxiety, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

So why am I stressed at work?

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work defines work-related stress as “an imbalance between a person’s perception of the constraints imposed on him by his environment and his perception of his own resources for coping with them”.

Take overwork, for example. An employee may be stressed if he or she has to carry out a large number of tasks (high demand) and feels he or she doesn’t have enough time to do them (low resource). The difficulties encountered are closely linked to the organization of the company, the nature of the work and the pressures experienced.

There are many sources of work-related stress. Here are a few examples:

  • A fast pace of workwith long hours;
  • Relational and/or abusive problems with colleagues or hierarchy;
  • A lack of recognition for your investment;
  • Lack of material and/or financial resources to work properly ;
  • Fear of losing your job;
  • An overload of work with very short deadlines;
  • Tasks that go against our values, our ethics, our temperament;

Solutions for managing stress at work

Stress at work is not something to be taken lightly. It’s best to deal with it at the earliest stage, to avoid burn-out.

Self-awareness and the ability to step back from a situation are already the first tools for better apprehending certain situations and reducing stress. The next step is to learn how to identify problems so as to be able to take action and develop a strategy that suits everyone.

If it’s due to a problem of organization or work overload, you can talk to your superior, an employee representative or the occupational health department about modifying your work environment.

Here are a few other tips that you can apply according to your needs:

  • Take breaks during the day;
  • Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water;
  • Playing sports;
  • Managing sleep;
  • Learning to say no;
  • Finding the rightwork/life balance;
  • Learn to delegate.

How can Samaé help you?

Stress needs to be considered holistically. To deal with this, apart from calming the mind, we also need to release accumulated tension in the body and reconnect with the present moment. It’s also important to identify the underlying causes of stress in order to eliminate the root cause.

Here are the most effective body and mind/emotional approaches:

You can now book one of these services by testing the Samaé Pass for free for a month and benefit from a 15% discount. Our top experts will help you to free yourself from this stress and feel fully fulfilled in your professional life.

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