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Eating well at the office: 5 snacks to boost your energy.

27 May 2022 | Physical health

Eating well at the office helps recharge your batteries throughout the day. Adopting a regular rhythm for your meals and eating a varied, balanced diet is the key to having energy all day long (for more on this, see our article on 5 habits for eating well at the office).

Nutrition is one of the pillars of well-being in the workplace. Stress at work often makes it difficult to eat consciously. We often eat out of compulsion and choose “dead” foods, devoid of any source of energy.

That’s why we’ve come up with 5 simple and tasty snack ideas to boost your energy throughout your day at the office.

Oat flakes

Rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, oatmeal will provide **** you with energy gradually and over a longer period than refined cereals packed with simple sugars. A bowl in the morning will keep you going for hours, without hunger or the famous mid-morning “energy crash”.

You can also eat them in the form of bars, which you can make yourself at home. It couldn’t be easier!

  • Mix rolled oats with applesauce and add a few dark chocolate chips to the mix.
  • Spread the mixture in a parchment-lined baking tin, pressing down to create a smooth surface.
  • Bake for 15-20 min at 180°.
  • Cut out your bars and leave to cool.

You can store them in an airtight box to take to the office.

Green juices

Green juices are juices made from green fruit and vegetables. They are rich in chlorophyll, which oxygenates the blood. For a late-morning boost, there’s nothing better!

The cucumber, apple and lemon duo, for example, will give you a boost without spoiling your appetite for lunch.

On the downside, consuming green juice can be tricky the first time. To avoid disgust and get your taste buds used to it, you can start with 80% fruit and only 20% vegetables. Then increase the percentage of vegetables until everything is balanced.

A mixture of nuts

No time to prepare a snack? The little pouch of nut mix will do the trick! It’s a healthy snack for a quick energy boost, whether in the morning or afternoon.

In fact, nut mix is the perfect combination of good carbohydrates and protein. Its carbohydrates provide quick energy and the good proteins sustain the body longer.

For example, you could take a handful of dried cranberries and a handful of walnuts. Or opt for almonds, which are very rich in nutrients, including vitamin E, which protects the brain from aging. They increase levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that improves attention, learning and memory, thus boosting your productivity.


A banana with peanut butter

Just one banana contains the daily dose of carbohydrates your body needs to stay productive throughout the day. It also contains a sufficient amount of hydrocarbons, which will help you feel fuller for longer, preventing snacking. Peanut butter is a good source of vegetable protein, fibre and healthy fatty acids.

So, for a snack, you can have half a halved banana spread with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter.

What if you’re like me and don’t like bananas? Then you can replace it with an apple. Apples are very rich in antioxidants and contain about 13 g of sugar. Add a teaspoon or two of peanut butter and you’ve got a great energy boost!

Dark chocolate

I’ve saved the best for last: dark chocolate! And yes, it contains many nutrients that help improve your work capacity. Its consumption increases concentration and protects brain cells. The many antioxidants it contains boost our endorphin levels.

As an added bonus, it also boosts productivity, as it contains caffeine, which boosts energy levels. All the more reason to reduce your coffee consumption.

Would you like to find out more about eating well at the office? Our nutritherapists talk about it with gusto at our nutrition conferences and workshops.

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