022 596 72 40 hello@samae.ch

We're building the future of the world of work.

Samaé is your single point of contact for health and well-being in the workplace.

We are a multidisciplinary network of experts in corporate health and well-being at work.

Our mission is to make work a source of fulfillment.


How do you do it?

concrete, personalized solutions
around physical, mental, relational and social health. personal/professional life balance. We address these 4 fundamental issues through training (workshops/conferences), coaching and individual sessions.


What's in it for you?

Improving employee commitment, employer brand, turnover, absenteeism… The benefits of good employee health and well-being management are countless and no longer need to be proven.

Our results are concrete!


Our customers have renewed


Average employee satisfaction score

+ 4000

employees affected

The Samaé team

Zineb Belabbas

Founder & Director

I was born into a family of doctors with a passion for people. I put this family passion aside to work in finance. A few years after a rich start to my career, where promotions silenced this passion, I ended up with a burn-out. A veritable tsunami that reconnected me to my roots: caring for human beings. Making human beings out of human beings, not into human doings. My dream is for work to become a source of fulfillment for everyone.

Samaé is the materialization of this dream: we work every day to make the company a place of health prevention, improved quality of life and personal and professional development.

Samaé is also a company on a human scale


Our development manager

We take great care of our customers.


Our designer and communications manager

Taking care of all your communication kits.


Our financial and accounting department

Taking good care of our company’s health.


Our developer

We take great care of our website and management platform.

And a team of passionate, high-quality experts.

Our values


We select the best experts and produce top-quality training courses.


We work hand in hand with our customers and customize our approach 100%.


Our aim is to build long-term relationships with our customers. Our customers are first and foremost our partners.

What makes us unique

Our experts are selected with the greatest care

We are the only company in French-speaking Switzerland to have a selection process that includes formal recommendations from other corporate clients and experts on the work of our experts.


Our approach is tailored to each company

We take into account the unique needs of each company, as well as its budget and financial constraints. The business sector is also a criterion for personalizing our approach.

Our approach is pragmatic and comprehensive

We’re starting from the ground up to create an effective, pragmatic system. We’re not here to look pretty, but to implement high-impact actions.

Find us in the Swiss press

Take care of what's dearest to you: your employees.

Contact us for more information!